Plans for Beta 1-6, rndm encounters and RTP

The next update is a big one. I have made sure the game is playable all the way through with the help of beta testers (special mentions to @djkouza for being the first one to go all the way through and tell me about it!). 

One common complaint is combat balancing, and frequency of random encounters. 

First I decided if I stripped back all the combat to more basic numbers. 1-10, then it would be a lot easier math to balance.

2nd. If I get rid of random encounters in favor of wandering events, then there is now a fixed number of encounters per area and also the player can more easily avoid fighting if they wish.

This way, as I play and balance things, there is not as much variability in how strong the player can be and therefore everything can be much more balanced.

Also, about RTP Assets:

So this was my first RPG Maker game. I have seen some in the past but admittedly, never played them. I now see what I've been missing out on, but because of this, I didn't think twice about using the default assets it came with because, it was all new to me. 

I now realize that it is not new, and in fact very old and tired to most of the player base who will even play these games. As of now the only areas using RTP assets are the opening cutscene, the forests around Trill, and the outside GAMS station near the end. My plan is to find new forest, wasteland, and snowy tiles to and just straight up replace the pages in the tile sets on these respective maps.

Additionally all the music is RTP as well. I am actually a musician and plan to write my own music to replace all these files. I may or may not wait to release 1-6 for this to be done as well, it all depends on what kind of time I have and if anymore game breaking bugs need so other beta testers are not held up.

Thank you again everyone for trying this game, your feedback has been super valuable. Feel free to give more but if it is in regards to the combat or tiles, know that it is already being worked on :)

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Don't apologize about RTP usage. Some players don't mind at all, as long as you do interesting things with it. That first forest area though, is not interesting. Keep in mind that most RPGM YouTube reviewers only spend 1 hour on a game, so that first area should be the most interesting to explore, not the least.

My biggest regret with my game is that I reserved the coolest moments towards the end game, instead of doing more to spruce up the opening hours.

You know, I feel like The Orphans is similar in that way. The coolest stuff is a a couple hours in.

I'm loving following this project, and seeing the feedback you've given. I think it's really good and will help me to make a more enjoyable game myself. I did the whole start "big" and now am trying to piece it together.  I'm also not put off by RTP, I think that it's more about how you use the tiles to me. But the concept of the first hour needs to "hit a homerun" so to speak is great feedback, something I know I hadn't thought of.