Beta 1-6 Released! Biggest update yet!

It has been awhile but I have been slowly plugging away at what was the biggest criticism, the unbalanced combat system.

Combat has been completely re-balanced. All stats and formulas have been stripped down to much smaller numbers,  skills and their corresponding damage make much more sense now.

EZ Weapons/ Armor have been added. This game, is a medium in which to tell this story. For some people they'll want challenge and a grind. Other people want to be able to largely just experience the story. So, my solution is that right from the start you get the EZ Weapons/ Armor which are much stronger than anything else in the game. So if you are experiencing issues or find something too hard. Maybe you didn't level enough for a certain area. You can just equip the armor and/or weapon and be on your merry way!

No more random encounters! There are no more random encounters in the game. Instead all the enemies wander the map and if the player touches one then it triggers an encounter. This should make exploration more desirable and pacing faster.

New interactions and assets added to various areas! I added more interactions, dialog, and some other things that help hint at the greater overall lore of the series. Essentially I've given more things for the player to find to make exploration more worth it.

Mission Log added! A mission log has been added that automatically updates. You get it at the start and it lives in the key items folder. The mission log uses Mother, thus expanding her role more in the overall story.

Fixed the "re-visitability" of Trill. I always intended for the player to be able to go back and explore Trill, getting some different dialog and things depending on how they were. Due to the transfer player function transferring players to the wrong instance of Trill, a lot of this content has yet to be seen. It has been fixed so now if the player chooses to, they can find additional dialog and lore. I did the same thing with The Mothership.

Fixed corpses disappearing when interacted with. If you come across anymore let me know but all of the major ones should be dealt with.

Added descriptions to various items and abilities that were previously missing them.

The enemy versions of the alien race name shows up as ??? until The Orphans learn the species name now.

Of course there is all the normal grammatical, spelling, errors and even some small script changes that have been made throughout my test play throughs since last release. 

Work remaining:

Fix any bugs that might pop up during this next round of beta testing. 

Replace all music. Possibly will create compositions for it, or maybe purchase some music packs. It depends on how much time I have and if I come up with anything good.

Get menu art, so it is no longer using a generic one at the start of the menu.

Once those things are done, unless something else pops up, we should be good to launch the main version of the game! NOTE: When the full game does launch I will likely set the price to 3 dollars or so on here and I will launch on Steam. ANYONE WHO BETA TESTED AND GAVE FEEDBACK JUST ASK ME FOR A CODE AND I WILL HAPPILY PROVIDE SO THE GAME WILL BE FREE FOR YOU WHEN THAT TIME COMES. 

Thanks for your time, and happy gaming!

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Dec 31, 2023

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